How will we do what we promise you?


1.       Closer Community – Social Capital

-          Alumni Mentor Program:  Already spoken to many alumni, of all ages and many geographic locations, who are keen to get involved

-          New MBA Lounge:  Discovered that the ground floor of the “Class of 1920 Commons” (just over the Locust Walk Bridge) is not being used and have talked both to the Wharton administration as well as Penn administration to start the Lounge by Fall 2009

-          Wharton Connection:  Create special moments by making small gestures like sending Wharton t-shirts to new admits, discounted gym memberships and more inclusive events for those with families


2.       Better Learning – Intellectual Capital

-          GND:  Liaise and lobby faculty closely for GND as it makes Wharton special – people can learn with no fear of failure

-          Faculty and Flexibility:  We will lobby for a student role in selecting faculty members and for more flexibility in core

-          Interaction with other schools:  We have been in talks with other Penn schools, GAPSA, and the Director of the Graduate Student Center to organize lunches, drinks, and other events.


3.       Target Big Things – Financial Capital

-          Loans:  We will target non-US banks who hold Wharton in high esteem to negotiate reasonable loan packages.  We will also launch an Alumni Donation Campaign for the specific purpose of increasing financial assistance to those hit hardest by the credit crisis.

-          Jobs:  We will work with MBACM to improve scheduling of appointments and information sessions.  We will reach out to alumni through outreach programs and regular events like coffee chats/cocktail hours in both Philadelphia and New York.


4.       Improve Little Things – Physical Capital

-          Reprographics:  We will have bulk packs delivered to every student 1st day of class for the core.  The charges will be part of the overall fees, avoiding nickel and diming, and improving student experience.

-          Food:  We will convince the school to replace ABP immediately on expiration of their contract and have two food vendors in the same building to foster competition.  Our new MBA Lounge shall seat 150-200 people and we have talked to Aramark, a company which provides food in Houston Hall, and Marco Lentini, a Wharton Alum who runs Gia Pronto, as potential vendors.

-          Other Issues:  We will persuade the administration to employ more cleaning staff for toilets during peak class periods and to buy better toilet paper.  We will ask the administration to assign two designated classrooms as study space every day.  We will improve the WGA website, put the constitution online, and start an online discussion forum so that you can give us constant feedback.
